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The http4s integration consists of two routes, one for synchronous requests and one for websocket requests.

The two routes have different signatures since ordinary Request/Response queries use headers to pass most information, but grahpql websocket protocols pass it in a payload.

Consider the following example of a synchronous http4s route that serves a graphql api:

import cats.effect._
import org.http4s._
import gql._
import gql.http4s._

def mySchema: Schema[IO, Unit, Unit, Unit] = ???

def http4sCompiler: HttpRoutes[IO] = Http4sRoutes.sync[IO](path = "graphql"){ content =>
// The caller must choose when to parse the content, for instance after authorization
content.parse.flatMap(qp => Http4sRoutes.toResponse(Compiler[IO].compileWith(mySchema, qp)))

Implementing authorization

Something most applications need is authorization. There is no build-in support for this, since authorization is usually very application specific.

Commonly, authorization is provided in the Authorization http header. Consider the following authorization implementation, that also threads authorization credentials through the whole graph.

import org.http4s._
import org.http4s.headers._
import cats._
import cats.effect._
import gql._
import gql.http4s._

final case class Creds(userId: String)

type AuthIO[A] = Kleisli[IO, Creds, A]

def schema: Schema[AuthIO, Unit, Unit, Unit] = ???

def authorize(token: String): IO[Option[Creds]] = ???

def authorizeApp(compiled: Compiler.Outcome[AuthIO], creds: Creds): Compiler.Outcome[IO] =[IO, Creds](creds)))

def unauth(msg: String): IO[Response[IO]] =

def routes = Http4sRoutes.sync[IO](path="graphql"){ content =>
content.request.headers.get[Authorization] match {
case None => unauth("missing authorization header")
case Some(Authorization(Credentials.Token(AuthScheme.Bearer, token))) =>
case None => unauth("invalid token")
case Some(creds) =>
content.parse.flatMap{ qp =>
Http4sRoutes.toResponse {
authorizeApp(Compiler[AuthIO].compileWith(schema, qp), creds)
case _ => unauth("invalid authorization header, use a Bearer Token")

Websocket support

To implement streaming, we use websockets. Most websocket protocols start off by sending a payload with a json object containing headers. Subsequent messages act as subscription queries or terminations of subscriptions.

The structure of this header payload is not constrained; this is up to the application to consider.

However, the norm is to embed http headers in the payload:

"authorization": "Bearer aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cueW91dHViZS5jb20vd2F0Y2g/dj1kUXc0dzlXZ1hjUQ=="

The ConnectionInit[F] trait is used to handle the initial payload. Returning Left, lets the application return an error message to the client, which also immideately closes the websocket connection. One can embed errors such as unauthorized here.


The GraphQL over websocket protocol defines no way to communicate arbitary information without closing the connection.

The ConnectionInit[F]'s init function must return a Subscribe[F] that is used for every query after the initial payload.

Here is a full example of the usage:

import org.http4s.server.websocket.WebSocketBuilder
import io.circe._
import gql.graphqlws.GraphqlWSServer._

def makeSubscribe(creds: Creds): Subscribe[IO] = new Subscribe[IO] {
def subscribe(id: String, params: QueryParameters): Resource[IO, Compiler.Outcome[IO]] =
Resource.pure(authorizeApp(Compiler[AuthIO].compileWith(schema, params), creds))

val init = new ConnectionInit[IO] {
def init(headers: Map[String, Json]): IO[Either[String, Subscribe[IO]]] =
headers.get("authorization") match {
case None => IO(Left("missing authorization header"))
case Some(a) =>
a.asString match {
case None => IO(Left("authorization token must be a string"))
case Some(a) => authorize(a).map{
case None => Left("invalid token")
case Some(creds) => Right(makeSubscribe(creds))

def wsb: WebSocketBuilder[IO] = ???

def wsRoutes: HttpRoutes[IO] =[IO](init, wsb)