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Structuring large applications

The documentation explores smaller examples. To host larger graphs there are some considerations that must be addressed.

  • What up-front work can be done to minimize the overhead in introducing new types.
  • How is (mutual) recursion handled between different domains.

Recursive datatypes are notoriously difficult to deal with. In functional programming lazyness is often exploited as a solution to introduce cyclic data, but can easily accidentally introduce infinite recursion.

Seperating domains

Partially applying all needed dependencies can be expressed with a class.

import cats.effect._
import gql._
import gql.ast._
import gql.dsl._

final case class Organization(
id: String,
name: String

final case class User(
id: String,
name: String,
organizationId: String

trait Repo {
def getUser(id: String): IO[User]
def getOrganization(id: String): IO[Organization]
def getOrganizationUsers(organizationId: String): IO[List[User]]

class UserTypes(repo: Repo) {
// notice how we bind the effect (IO) so that we can omit this parameter in the dsl
val dsl = new GqlDsl[IO] {}
import dsl._

implicit val organization: Type[IO, Organization] =
"id" -> lift(,
"name" -> lift(,
"users" -> eff(x => repo.getOrganizationUsers(

implicit val user: Type[IO, User] =
"id" -> lift(,
"name" -> lift(,
"organization" -> eff(x => repo.getOrganization(x.organizationId))
You can also extend the dsl if you prefer a more object oriented style.
class UserTypes(repo: Repo) extends GqlDsl[IO] {
// ...

Mutually recursive domains

Subgraphs can neatly packaged into classes, but that does not address the issue of recursion between different domains.

Call by name constructor parameters

A compositional approach is to use call by name constructor parameters to lazily pass mutually recursive dependencies.

class UserTypes(paymentTypes: => PaymentTypes) {
lazy val p = paymentTypes
import p._
// ...

class PaymentTypes(userTypes: => UserTypes) {
lazy val u = userTypes
import u._
// ...

lazy val userTypes: UserTypes = new UserTypes(paymentTypes)
lazy val paymentTypes: PaymentTypes = new PaymentTypes(userTypes)

When domain types are defined in seperate projects, OOP interfaces can be used to implement mutual recursion.

// core project
trait User
trait UserTypes {
// we can also choose to only expose the datatypes that are necessary
implicit def userType: Type[IO, User]
trait Payment
trait PaymentTypes {
implicit def paymentType: Type[IO, Payment]

// user project
class UserTypesImpl(paymentTypes: => PaymentTypes) extends UserTypes {
lazy val p = paymentTypes
import p._
def userType: Type[IO, User] = ???

// payment project
class PaymentTypesImpl(userTypes: => UserTypes) extends PaymentTypes {
lazy val u = userTypes
import u._
def paymentType: Type[IO, Payment] = ???

// main project
lazy val userTypes: UserTypes = new UserTypesImpl(paymentTypes)
lazy val paymentTypes: PaymentTypes = new PaymentTypesImpl(userTypes)


The cake pattern can also be used to define mutually recursive dependencies, at the cost of composability.

// core project
trait User
trait UserTypes {
// we can also choose to only expose the datatypes that are necessary
implicit def userType: Type[IO, User]
trait Payment
trait PaymentTypes {
implicit def paymentType: Type[IO, Payment]

// user project
trait UserTypesImpl extends UserTypes { self: PaymentTypes =>
import self._
def userType: Type[IO, User] = ???

// payment project
trait PaymentTypesImpl extends PaymentTypes { self: UserTypes =>
import self._
def paymentType: Type[IO, Payment] = ???

// main project
val allTypes = new UserTypesImpl with PaymentTypesImpl { }
// allTypes: AnyRef with UserTypesImpl with PaymentTypesImpl = repl.MdocSession$MdocApp$$anon$2@4af75c66