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Output types

An output type Out[F[_], A] is an ast node that can take some A as input and produce a graphql value in the effect F. The concept is very similar to how implicit encoders work in other libraries. Output types act as continuations of their input types, such that a schema effectively is a tree of continuations. The output types of gql are defined in gql.ast and are named after their respective GraphQL types.


Most examples use the dsl to construct output types. The types can naturally be constructed manually as well, with a bit of ceremony.

Lets import the things we need:

import gql.ast._
import gql.resolver._
import gql.dsl.all._
import gql._
import cats._
import cats.implicits._
import cats.effect._


Scalar types contain a name, an encoder and a decoder. The Scalar type can encode A => Value and decode Value => Either[Error, A]. GraphQL Values have the same structure with the addition of enums.

gql comes with a few predefined scalars, such as:

  • String
  • Int
  • Long
  • Float
  • Double
  • BigInt
  • BigDecimal
  • Boolean
  • UUID

You can also define your own scalars. For instance, the ID type is defined for any Scalar as follows:

final case class ID[A](value: A)

object ID {
implicit def idTpe[A](implicit s: Scalar[A]): Scalar[ID[A]] =
"""|The `ID` scalar type represents a unique identifier, often used to refetch an object or as key for a cache.
|The ID type appears in a JSON response as a String; however, it is not intended to be human-readable.
|When expected as an input type, any string (such as `\"4\"`) or integer (such as `4`) input value will be accepted as an ID."""".stripMargin


Enum types, like Scalar types, are types that consist of a name and non-empty bi-directional mapping from a Scala type to a String:

sealed trait Color
object Color {
case object Red extends Color
case object Green extends Color
case object Blue extends Color

"RED" -> enumVal(Color.Red),
"GREEN" -> enumVal(Color.Green),
"BLUE" -> enumVal(Color.Blue)

Enum types have no constraints on the values they can encode or decode, so they can in fact, be dynamically typed:

final case class UntypedEnum(s: String)

"FIRST" -> enumVal(UntypedEnum("FIRST"))

Encoding a value that has not been defined in the enum will result in a GraphQL error. Therefore, it is recommended to enumerate the enum; only use sealed traits (Scala 2) or enums (Scala 3).


Field is a type that represents a field in a graphql type or interface.

A Field[F, I, T] has some structure, most notably:

  • A resolver that takes an I and produces an F[T] through various transformations.
  • A continuation Out[F, T], which is lazily captured to allow recursion.

The dsl functions also lazily capture Out[F, T] definitions as implicit parameters.


Check out the resolver section for more info on how resolvers work.

Type (object)

Type is the gql equivalent of type in GraphQL parlance. A Type consists of a name and a non-empty list of fields.

final case class Domain(
name: String,
amount: Int

tpe[IO, Domain](
"name" -> lift(,
"amount" -> lift(_.amount)

It is highly reccomended to define all Types, Unions and Interfaces as either val or lazy val.


Union types allow unification of arbitary types. The Union type defines a set of PartialFunctions that can specify the the type.

sealed trait Animal
final case class Dog(name: String) extends Animal
final case class Cat(name: String) extends Animal

implicit lazy val dog: Type[IO, Dog] = tpe[IO, Dog](
"name" -> lift(

implicit lazy val cat: Type[IO, Cat] = tpe[IO, Cat](
"name" -> lift(

union[IO, Animal]("Animal")
.variant{ case x: Dog => x }

Defining instances for Animal that are not referenced in the gql type is mostly safe, since any spread will simple give no fields. Most GraphQL clients also handle this case gracefully, for backwards compatibility reasons.

Ad-hoc unions

In the true spirit of unification, Union types can be constructed in a more ad-hoc fashion:

final case class Entity1(value: String)
final case class Entity2(value: String)

sealed trait Unification
object Unification {
final case class E1(value: Entity1) extends Unification
final case class E2(value: Entity2) extends Unification

implicit lazy val entity1: Type[IO, Entity1] = ???

implicit lazy val entity2: Type[IO, Entity2] = ???

union[IO, Unification]("Unification")
.variant{ case Unification.E1(value) => value }
.variant{ case Unification.E2(value) => value }

For the daring

Since the specify function is a PartialFunction, it is indeed possible to have no unifying type:

union[IO, Any]("AnyUnification")
.variant{ case x: Entity1 => x }
.variant{ case x: Entity2 => x }

And also complex routing logic:

union[IO, Unification]("RoutedUnification")
.variant{ case Unification.E1(x) if x.value == "Jane" => x }
case Unification.E1(x) => Entity2(x.value)
case Unification.E2(x) => x


An interface is a Type that can be "implemented".

Interfaces have abstract fields, that are very much like fields in Types. Interfaces can also be implemented by other Types and Interfaces. Interfaces don't declare their implementations, but rather the implementations declare their interfaces.

sealed trait Node {
def id: String

final case class Person(
name: String,
id: String
) extends Node

final case class Company(
name: String,
id: String
) extends Node

implicit lazy val node: Interface[IO, Node] = interface[IO, Node](
"id" -> abst[IO, ID[String]]

lazy val person = tpe[IO, Person](
"name" -> lift(,
"id" -> lift(x => ID(
).implements[Node]{ case x: Person => x }

lazy val company = tpe[IO, Company](
"name" -> lift(,
"id" -> lift(x => ID(

To inherit an interface's fields, take a look at the interface dsl.

Unreachable types

gql discovers types by traversing the schema types. This also means that even if you have a type declared it must occur in the ast to be respected.

You might want to declare types that are not yet queryable. Or maybe you only expose an interface, but there re no reachable references to any implementing types, thus the implementations won't be discovered.

The schema lets you declare "extra" types that should occur in introspection, rendering and evaluation:

def getNode: Node = Company("gql", "1")

def shape = SchemaShape.unit[IO](fields("node" -> lift(_ => getNode)))

// type Query {
// node: Node!
// }
// interface Node {
// id: ID!
// }

def withCompany = shape.addOutputTypes(company)

// type Company implements Node {
// name: String!
// id: ID!
// }
// interface Node {
// id: ID!
// }
// type Query {
// node: Node!
// }

// type Company implements Node {
// name: String!
// id: ID!
// }
// interface Node {
// id: ID!
// }
// type Query {
// node: Node!
// }
// type Person implements Node {
// name: String!
// id: ID!
// }

Variance of the Out type

The Out[F[_], A] is invariant in A. It might seem convinient to let A be contravariant (-A) but this causes ambiguity when trying to find implicits/givens.

trait Typeclass[-A]

trait Animal
trait Dog extends Animal

implicit object AnimalTC extends Typeclass[Animal]
implicit object DogTC extends Typeclass[Dog]

// error: ambiguous implicit values:
// both object DogTC of type DogTC.type
// and object AnimalTC of type AnimalTC.type
// match expected type Typeclass[Dog]
// implicitly[Typeclass[Dog]]
// ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^