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Resolvers are at the core of gql; a resolver Resolver[F, I, O] takes an I and produces an O in effect F. Resolvers are embedded in fields and act as continuations. When gql executes a query it first constructs a tree of continueations from your schema and the supplied GraphQL query.

Resolvers act and compose like functions with combinators such as andThen and compose.


Resolver forms an Arrow and Choice.

Lets start off with some imports:

import gql._
import gql.dsl.all._
import gql.resolver._
import gql.ast._
import cats.effect._
import cats.implicits._


Resolver is a collection of high-level combinators that constructs a tree of Step.


If you are familiar with the relationship between fs2.Stream and fs2.Pull, then the relationship between Resolver and Step should be familiar.


Resolver.lift lifts a function I => O into Resolver[F, I, O]. lift's method form is map, which for any resolver Resolver[F, I, O] produces a new resolver Resolver[F, I, O2] given a function O => O2.

val r = Resolver.lift[IO, Int](_.toLong)
// r: Resolver[IO, Int, Long] = gql.resolver.Resolver@1bf3e488
// res0: Resolver[IO, Int, String] = gql.resolver.Resolver@2fab599c


effect like lift lifts a function, but instead an effectful one like I => F[O] into Resolver[F, I, O]. effect's method form is evalMap (like Resource and fs2.Stream).

val r = Resolver.effect[IO, Int](i => IO(i.toLong))
// r: Resolver[IO, Int, Long] = gql.resolver.Resolver@611b3bad
r.evalMap(l => IO(l.toString()))
// res1: Resolver[[x]IO[x], Int, String] = gql.resolver.Resolver@a5a3800


Arguments in gql are provided through resolvers. A resolver Resolver[F, I, A] can be constructed from an argument Arg[A], through either argument or arg in method form.

lazy val ageArg = arg[Int]("age")
val r = Resolver.argument[IO, Nothing, String](arg[String]("name"))
// r: Resolver[IO, Nothing, String] = gql.resolver.Resolver@e894a67
val r2 = r.arg(ageArg)
// r2: Resolver[IO, Nothing, (Int, String)] = gql.resolver.Resolver@7b9b9593{ case (age, name) => s"$name is $age years old" }
// res2: Resolver[IO, Nothing, String] = gql.resolver.Resolver@43650f1e

Arg also has an applicative defined for it, so multi-argument resolution can be simplified to.

val r = Resolver.argument[IO, Nothing, (String, Int)](
(arg[String]("name"), arg[Int]("age")).tupled
// r: Resolver[IO, Nothing, (String, Int)] = gql.resolver.Resolver@1824a54a{ case (age, name) => s"$name is $age years old" }
// res3: Resolver[IO, Nothing, String] = gql.resolver.Resolver@5cba1e5b


The meta resolver provides metadata regarding query execution, such as the position of query execution, field aliasing and the provided arguments.

It also allows the caller to inspect the query ast such that more exotic operations become possible. For instance, arguments can dynamically be inspected.

lazy val a = arg[Int]("age")
Resolver.meta[IO, String].map(meta => meta.astNode.arg(a))
// res4: Resolver[IO, String, Option[Int]] = gql.resolver.Resolver@7b2a3f52

The relational integration makes heavy use of this feature.


Errors are reported in


An Ior is a non-exclusive Either.

The Ior datatype's left side must be String and acts as an optional error that will be present in the query result. gql can return an error and a result for the same path, given that Ior has both it's left and right side defined.

Errors are embedded into resolvers via rethrow. The extension method rethrow is present on any resolver of type Resolver[F, I, Ior[String, O]]:

val r = Resolver.lift[IO, Int](i => Ior.Both("I will be in the errors :)", i))
// r: Resolver[IO, Int, Ior.Both[String, Int]] = gql.resolver.Resolver@105cd2d6
// res5: Resolver[[A]IO[A], Int, Int] = gql.resolver.Resolver@2def2b62

We can also use emap to map the current value into an Ior.

val r =[IO, Int].emap(i => Ior.Both("I will be in the errors :)", i))
// r: Resolver[IO, Int, Int] = gql.resolver.Resolver@21abb042


Resolver also implements first (Resolver[F, A, B] => Resolver[F, (A, C), (B, C)]) which can be convinient for situations where one would usually have to trace a value through an entire computation.

Since a Resolver does not form a Monad, first is necessary to implement non-trivial resolver compositions.

For instance, maybe your program contains a general resolver compositon that is used many places, like say verifying credentials, but you'd like to trace a value through it without having to keep track of tupling output with input.

Assume we'd like to implement a resolver, that when given a person's name, can get a list of the person's friends.

case class PersonId(value: Int)

case class Person(id: PersonId, name: String)

def getFriends(id: PersonId, limit: Int): IO[List[Person]] = ???

def getPerson(name: String): IO[Person] = ???

def getPersonResolver = Resolver.effect[IO, String](getPerson)

def limitResolver = Resolver.argument[IO, Person, Int](arg[Int]("limit"))

def limitArg = arg[Int]("limit")
// 'arg' tuples the input with the argument value
.evalMap{ case (limit, p) => getFriends(, limit) }
// res6: Resolver[[x]IO[x], String, List[Person]] = gql.resolver.Resolver@b51db8a


Like most other GraphQL implementations, gql also supports batching.

Unlike most other GraphQL implementations, gql's batching implementation features a global query planner that lets gql delay field execution until it can be paired with another field.

Batch declaration and usage occurs as follows:

  • Declare a function Set[K] => F[Map[K, V]].
  • Give this function to gql and get back a Resolver[F, Set[K], Map[K, V]] in a State monad (for unique id generation).
  • Use this new resolver where you want batching.

And now put into practice:

def getPeopleFromDB(ids: Set[PersonId]): IO[List[Person]] = ???

Resolver.batch[IO, PersonId, Person]{ keys =>
getPeopleFromDB(keys).map( => -> x).toMap)
// res7: State[SchemaState[IO], Resolver[IO, Set[PersonId], Map[PersonId, Person]]] =

Whenever gql sees this resolver in any composition, it will look for similar resolvers during query planning.

Note, however, that you should only declare each batch resolver variant once, that is, you should build your schema in State. gql consideres different batch instantiations incompatible regardless of any type information.

State has Monad (and transitively Applicative) defined for it, so it composes well. Here is an example of multiple batchers:

def b1 = Resolver.batch[IO, Int, Person](_ => ???)
def b2 = Resolver.batch[IO, Int, String](_ => ???)

(b1, b2).tupled
// res8: State[SchemaState[IO], (Resolver[IO, Set[Int], Map[Int, Person]], Resolver[IO, Set[Int], Map[Int, String]])] =

Even if your field doesn't benefit from batching, batching can still do duplicate key elimination.

Batch resolver syntax

When a resolver in a very specific form Resolver[F, Set[K], Map[K, V]], then the gql dsl provides some helper methods. For instance, a batcher may be embedded in a singular context (K => V). Here is a showcase of some of the helper methods:

def pb: Resolver[IO, Set[Int], Map[Int, Person]] = 
// Stub implementation
Resolver.lift(_ => Map.empty)

// None if a key is missing
// res9: Resolver[[A]IO[A], List[Int], List[Option[Person]]] = gql.resolver.Resolver@55d87e63

// Every key must have an associated value
// or else raise an error via a custom show-like typeclass
implicit lazy val showMissingPersonId =
ShowMissingKeys.showForKey[Int]("not all people could be found")
// res10: Resolver[[A]IO[A], List[Int], List[Person]] = gql.resolver.Resolver@505072d9

// Maybe there is one value for one key?
// res11: Resolver[[A]IO[A], Int, Option[Person]] = gql.resolver.Resolver@4639c545

// Same as opt
// res12: Resolver[[A]IO[A], cats.package.Id[Int], cats.package.Id[Option[Person]]] = gql.resolver.Resolver@e737c0

// There is always one value for one key
// res13: Resolver[[A]IO[A], Int, Person] = gql.resolver.Resolver@165a6ad9

// You can be more explicit via the `batch` method
// res14: Resolver[[A]IO[A], NonEmptyList[Int], NonEmptyList[Option[Person]]] = gql.resolver.Resolver@454f1471

Using batch aids with better compiler error messages.

Resolver.lift[IO, Int](_.toString()).batch.all
// error: Cannot prove that Set[K] =:= Int.
// Resolver.lift[IO, Int](_.toString()).batch.all
// ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

For larger programs, consider declaring all your batchers up-front and putting them into some type of collection:

case class MyBatchers(
personBatcher: Resolver[IO, Set[Int], Map[Int, Person]],
intStringBatcher: Resolver[IO, Set[Int], Map[Int, String]]

(b1, b2).mapN(MyBatchers.apply)
// res16: State[SchemaState[IO], MyBatchers] =

For most batchers it is likely that you eventually want to pre-compose them in various ways, for instance requsting args, which this pattern promotes.


Sometimes you have multiple groups of fields in the same object where each group have different performance overheads.

Say you had a Person object in your database. This Person object also exists in a remote api. This remote api can tell you, the friends of a Person given the object's id and name. Written out a bit more structured we have that:

  • PersonId => PersonId (identity)
  • PersonId => PersonDB (database query)
  • PersonDB => PersonRemoteAPI (remote api call)
  • PersonId => PersonRemoteAPI (composition of database query and remote api call)

And now put into code:

// We have a trivial id field for our person id
def pureFields = fields[IO, PersonId](
"id" -> lift(id => id)

// If we query our database with a person id, we get a person database object
case class PersonDB(
id: PersonId,
name: String,
remoteApiId: String

// SELECT id, name, remote_api_id FROM person WHERE id in (...)
def dbBatchResolver: Resolver[IO, PersonId, PersonDB] = ???

// From the db we can get the name and the remote api id
def dbFields = fields[IO, PersonDB](
"name" -> lift(,
"apiId" -> lift(_.remoteApiId)

// The remote api data can be found given the result of a db query
case class PersonRemoteAPI(
id: PersonId,
friends: List[PersonId]

// Given a PersonDB we can call the api (via a batched GET or something)
def personBatchResolver: Resolver[IO, PersonDB, PersonRemoteAPI] = ???

// We can get the friends from the remote api
def remoteApiFields = fields[IO, PersonRemoteAPI](
"friends" -> lift(_.friends)

// Now we can start composing our fields
// We can align the types of the db and remote api data to the PersonDB type
// by composing the remote api resolver on the remote api fields
def dbFields2: Fields[IO, PersonDB] =
remoteApiFields.compose(personBatchResolver) ::: dbFields

// Given a PersonId we have every field
// If "friends" is selected, gql will first run `dbBatchResolver` and then `personBatchResolver`
def allFields = dbFields2.compose(dbBatchResolver) ::: pureFields

implicit def person: Type[IO, PersonId] = tpeNel[IO, PersonId](

The general pattern for this decomposition revolves around figuring out what the most basic description of your object is. In this example, every fields can (eventually through various side-effects) be resolved from just PersonId.

Batchers from elsewhere

Most batching implementations have compatible signatures and can be adapted into a gql batcher.

For instance, converting fetch to gql:

import fetch._
object People extends Data[PersonId, Person] {
def name = "People"

def source: DataSource[IO, PersonId, Person] = ???

.batch[IO, PersonId, Person](_.toList.toNel.traverse(People.source.batch).map(_.getOrElse(Map.empty)))
// res17: State[SchemaState[IO], Resolver[IO, Set[PersonId], Map[PersonId, Person]]] =

Inline batch

A batch resolver can also be defined inline with some notable differences to the regular batch resolver:

  • It does not need to be defined in state.
  • It is not subject to global query planning, and is only ever called with inputs from the same selection.

The inline batch resolver has the same signature as a regular batch resolver; Set[K] => F[Map[K, V]].

Resolver.inlineBatch[IO, PersonId, Person](
// res18: Resolver[IO, Set[PersonId], Map[PersonId, Person]] = gql.resolver.Resolver@4758e200


Resolvers also implement Choice via (Resolver[F, A, C], Resolver[F, B, D]) => Resolver[F, Either[A, B], Either[C, D]]. On the surface, this combinator may have limited uses, but with a bit of composition we can perform tasks such as caching.

For instance, a combinator derived from Choice is skippable: Resolver[F, I, O] => Resolver[F, Either[I, O], O], which acts as a variant of "caching". If the right side is present we skip the underlying resolver (Resolver[F, I, O]) altogether.

For any resolver in the form Resolver[F, I, Either[L, R]] we modify the left side with leftThrough and the right with rightThrough.

For Instance we can implement caching.

def getPersonForId(id: PersonId): IO[Person] = ???

type CachedPerson = Either[PersonId, Person]
def cachedPerson = tpe[IO, CachedPerson](
"id" -> lift(,
// We'll align the left and right side of the choice and then merge the `Either`
"name" -> build[IO, CachedPerson](_.leftThrough(_.evalMap(getPersonForId)).map(

We can also use some of the compose tricks from the batch resolver syntax section if we have a lot of fields that depend on Person.


The query planner treats the choice branches as parallel, such that for two instances of a choice, resolvers in the two branches may be batched together.


The stream resolver embeds an fs2.Stream and provides the ability to emit a stream of results for a graphql subscription.

Stream semantics

  • When one or more streams emit, the interpreter will re-evaluate the query from the position that emitted. That is, only the sub-tree that changed will be re-interpreted.
  • If two streams emit and one occurs as a child of the other, the child will be ignored since it will be replaced.
  • By default, the interpreter will only respect the most-recent emitted data.

This means that by default, gql assumes that your stream should behave like a signal, not sequentially. However, gql can also adhere sequential semantics.

For instance a schema designed like the following, emits incremental updates regarding the price for some symbol:

type PriceChange {
difference: Float!

type Subscription {
priceChanges(symbolId: ID!): PriceChange!

And here is a schema that represents an api that emits updates regarding the current price of a symbol:

type SymbolState {
price: Float!

type Subscription {
price(symbolId: ID!): SymbolState!

Consider the following example where two different evaluation semantics are displayed:

case class PriceChange(difference: Float)
def priceChanges(symbolId: String): fs2.Stream[IO, PriceChange] = ???

case class SymbolState(price: Float)
def price(symbolId: String): fs2.Stream[IO, SymbolState] = ???

def priceChangesResolver =[IO, String].sequentialStreamMap(priceChanges)

def priceResolver =[IO, String].streamMap(price)

If your stream is sequential, gql will only pull elements when they are needed.

The interpreter performs a global re-interpretation of your schema, when one or more streams emit. That is, the interpreter cycles through the following two phases:

  • Interpret for the current values.
  • Await new values (and values that arrived during the previous step).

Since gql is free to ignore updates when a stream is a signal, one should prefer evalMap on a Resolver instead of a stream if possible.


For a given stream it must hold all child resources alive (maybe the child resources are also streams that may emit). As such, for a given stream, gql must await a next element from the stream before releasing any currently held resources sub-tree. This means that gql must be able to pull one element before closing the old one.


If you have streams of updates where you are only interested in that something changed (Stream[F, Unit]) there may be room for significant optimization. In fs2 you can merge streams with combinators such as parJoin, but they have to assume that there may be resources to account for. If you are discarding the output of the stream or you are absolutely sure that the output does not depend on a resource lifetime, one can write more optimized versions functions for this purpose.

Some examples of potentially more performant implementations

In a crude benchmarks, these combinators may perform an order of magnitude faster than parJoin or merge.

import fs2.{Pipe, Stream}
import fs2.concurrent._
def parListen[A]: Pipe[IO, Stream[IO, A], Unit] =
streams =>
for {
d <- Stream.eval(IO.deferred[Either[Throwable, Unit]])
c <- Stream.eval(IO.deferred[Unit])
sigRef <- Stream.eval(SignallingRef[IO, Unit](()))

bg = streams.flatMap { sub =>
Stream.supervise {
.evalMap(_ => sigRef.set(()))
.onError(e => d.complete(Left(e)).void)

listenCancel = (c.get *> IO.canceled).as(Right(()): Either[Throwable, Unit])
fg = sigRef.discrete.interruptWhen(d).interruptWhen(listenCancel)

_ <- fg.concurrently(bg)
} yield ()

def parListenSignal[A]: Pipe[IO, Stream[IO, A], A] =
streams =>
Stream.eval(SignallingRef.of[IO, Option[A]](None)).flatMap { sig =>
sig.discrete.unNone.concurrently {
streams.parEvalMapUnorderedUnbounded { x =>
x.evalMap(x => sig.set(Some(x))).compile.drain

Here is an example of some streams in action:

import scala.concurrent.duration._

case class Streamed(value: Int)

implicit lazy val streamed: Type[IO, Streamed] = tpe[IO, Streamed](
"value" -> build[IO, Streamed](_.streamMap{ s =>
.bracket(IO(println(s"allocating $s")))(_ => IO(println(s"releasing $s"))) >>
.iterate(0)(_ + 1)
.evalTap(n => IO(println(s"emitting $n for $s")))
.meteredStartImmediately(((5 - s.value) * 20).millis)
.as(Streamed(s.value + 1))

def query = """
subscription {
streamed {
value {
value {
value {

def schema = SchemaShape.unit[IO](
fields("ping" -> lift(_ => "pong")),
subscription = Some(fields("streamed" -> lift(_ => Streamed(0))))

.map(Compiler[IO].compile(_, query))
.flatMap { case Right(Application.Subscription(stream)) => stream.take(4).compile.drain }
// allocating Streamed(0)
// emitting 0 for Streamed(0)
// allocating Streamed(1)
// emitting 0 for Streamed(1)
// allocating Streamed(2)
// emitting 0 for Streamed(2)
// emitting 1 for Streamed(2)
// emitting 1 for Streamed(1)
// emitting 1 for Streamed(0)
// allocating Streamed(1)
// emitting 0 for Streamed(1)
// allocating Streamed(2)
// emitting 0 for Streamed(2)
// allocating Streamed(2)
// emitting 2 for Streamed(2)
// emitting 0 for Streamed(2)
// emitting 2 for Streamed(1)
// releasing Streamed(1)
// releasing Streamed(0)
// releasing Streamed(2)
// releasing Streamed(2)
// releasing Streamed(1)
// releasing Streamed(2)

gql also allows the user to specify how much time the interpreter may await more stream updates:

Schema.simple(schema).map(Compiler[IO].compile(_, query, accumulate=Some(10.millis)))

furthermore, gql can also emit interpreter information if you want to look into what gql is doing:

.map(Compiler[IO].compile(_, query, debug=gql.server.interpreter.DebugPrinter[IO](s => IO(println(s)))))
.flatMap { case Right(Application.Subscription(stream)) => stream.take(3).compile.drain }
// allocating Streamed(0)
// emitting 0 for Streamed(0)
// publishing at index 0 at root.streamed.value
// allocating Streamed(1)
// emitting 0 for Streamed(1)
// publishing at index 0 at root.streamed.value.value
// allocating Streamed(2)
// emitting 0 for Streamed(2)
// publishing at index 0 at root.streamed.value.value.value
// unconsing with current tree:
// |- unknown-cats.effect.kernel.Unique$Token@16e6fd96
// got state, awaiting a non-empty state (publication)
// emitting 1 for Streamed(2)
// publishing at index 1 at root.streamed.value.value.value
// done publishing at index 1 at root.streamed.value.value.value, await? true
// got non-empty state, awaiting 5 milliseconds
// unconsed:
// [
// ResourceInfo(
// parentName = root.streamed.value.value.value (signal = true),
// name = resource-1,
// open = true,
// value = StreamData(
// cont = Continuation.Done(
// Selection(
// PreparedSpecification(
// typename = Streamed,
// selections = PreparedSelections{
// PreparedDataField(
// name = __typename,
// alias = None,
// cont = PreparedCont(
// edges = Lift(...),
// cont = PreparedLeaf(String)
// )
// )
// }
// )
// )
// ),
// value = Right(repl.MdocSession$MdocApp$Streamed$1)
// )
// )
// ]
// unconsed after removing old children:
// [
// ResourceInfo(
// parentName = root.streamed.value.value.value (signal = true),
// name = resource-1,
// open = true,
// value = ditto
// )
// ]
// tree after unconsing:
// |- unknown-cats.effect.kernel.Unique$Token@16e6fd96
// emitting 1 elements from uncons
// interpreting for 1 inputs
// emitting 1 for Streamed(1)
// publishing at index 1 at root.streamed.value.value
// done publishing at index 1 at root.streamed.value.value, await? true
// done interpreting
// unconsing with current tree:
// |- unknown-cats.effect.kernel.Unique$Token@16e6fd96
// got state, awaiting a non-empty state (publication)
// got non-empty state, awaiting 5 milliseconds
// unconsed:
// [
// ResourceInfo(
// parentName = root.streamed.value.value (signal = true),
// name = resource-1,
// open = true,
// value = StreamData(
// cont = Continuation.Done(
// Selection(
// PreparedSpecification(
// typename = Streamed,
// selections = PreparedSelections{
// PreparedDataField(
// name = value,
// alias = None,
// cont = PreparedCont(
// edges = Compose(
// left = Compose(left = Lift(...), right = Lift(...)),
// right = EmbedStream(signal = true)
// ),
// cont = Selection(
// PreparedSpecification(
// typename = Streamed,
// selections = PreparedSelections{
// PreparedDataField(
// name = __typename,
// alias = None,
// cont = PreparedCont(
// edges = Lift(...),
// cont = PreparedLeaf(String)
// )
// )
// }
// )
// )
// )
// )
// }
// )
// )
// ),
// value = Right(repl.MdocSession$MdocApp$Streamed$1)
// )
// )
// ]
// unconsed after removing old children:
// [
// ResourceInfo(
// parentName = root.streamed.value.value (signal = true),
// name = resource-1,
// open = true,
// value = ditto
// )
// ]
// tree after unconsing:
// |- unknown-cats.effect.kernel.Unique$Token@16e6fd96
// emitting 1 for Streamed(0)
// emitting 1 elements from uncons
// publishing at index 1 at root.streamed.value
// done publishing at index 1 at root.streamed.value, await? true
// interpreting for 1 inputs
// allocating Streamed(2)
// emitting 0 for Streamed(2)
// publishing at index 0 at root.streamed.value.value.value
// done interpreting
// releasing Streamed(2)
// releasing Streamed(1)
// releasing Streamed(2)
// releasing Streamed(0)


A Step is the low-level algebra for a resolver, that describes a single step of evaluation for a query. The variants of Step are clearly listed in the source code. All variants of step provide orthogonal properties.