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gql's dsl is a lightweight set of smart-constructors. If you have a particular usecase or even coding style that conflicts with the dsl, you can always introduce your own schema definition syntax or build on top of the existing dsl.

Lets begin by importing what we need.

import cats.effect._
import cats.implicits._
import gql.dsl.all._
import gql.ast._
import gql.resolver._


The simplest form of field construction comes from the build.from smart constructor. It simply lifts a resolver into a field, given that a gql output type exists for the resolver output.

def r: Resolver[IO, Int, String] = Resolver.lift(i => i.toString())

val f: Field[IO, Int, String] = build.from(r)
// f: Field[IO, Int, String] = Field(
// resolve = gql.resolver.Resolver@18be1b21,
// output = cats.Always@7e084c97,
// description = None,
// attributes = List()
// )

Sometimes type inference cannot find the proper type for a field:

build.from(Resolver.liftF(i => IO(i.toString())))
// error: value liftF is not a member of object gql.resolver.Resolver
// did you mean lift? or perhaps liftFull?
// build.from(Resolver.liftF(i => IO(i.toString())))
// ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

The type parameters for build are partially applied, such that when type inference isn't enough, types can be supplied explicitly.

build[IO, Int].from(Resolver.effect(i => IO(i.toString())))

build.from(Resolver.effect((i: Int) => IO(i.toString())))

For some fields, there is an even more concise syntax. Invoking the apply method of build, takes a higher order function that goes from the identity resolver (Resolver[F, A, A]) to some output.

build[IO, Int]( => i * 2).evalMap(i => IO(i))): Field[IO, Int, Int]


Complex structures may require many special resolver compositions. The dsl also introduces a something akin to a builder pattern. The build function from the previous section, creates a builder that has more constructors than just from and apply.

import gql.dsl.FieldBuilder
val b: FieldBuilder[IO, Int] = build[IO, Int]

Often a builder is only relevant within a scope, thus one can end up having many unused builders in scope. The builder makes such code more concise:

builder[IO, Int]{ (fb: FieldBuilder[IO, Int]) =>

The builder dsl contains most of the field related constructors:

builder[IO, Int]{ fb =>
"answer" -> lift(i => i * 0 + 42),
"pong" -> fb( => "pong"))
): Type[IO, Int]

"answer" -> fb.lift(i => i * 0 + 42),
"ping" -> fb.from(Resolver.lift(_ => "pong"))

Value resolution

Wrapping every field in a build smart constructor and then defining the resolver seperately is a bit verbose. There are smart constructors for two common variants of field resolvers, that lift a resolver function directly to a Field.

We must decide if the field is pure or effectful:


The effect constructor is named eff to avoid collisions with cats-effect.

final case class Person(
name: String

tpe[IO, Person](
"name" -> lift(,
"nameEffect" -> eff(x => IO(

The lift and eff constructors can also also be supplied with arguments:

def familyName = arg[String]("familyName")

tpe[IO, Person](
"name" -> lift(familyName)(_ +,
"nameEffect" -> eff(familyName)((f, p) => IO( + f))

Unification instances

Unions and Interfaces are abstract types that have implementations.

Union declares it's implementations up-front, like a sealed trait. However, Interface implementations are declared on the types that implement the interface, like a trait or an abstract class.

Before continuing, lets setup the environment.

trait Vehicle { 
def name: String
final case class Car(name: String) extends Vehicle
final case class Boat(name: String) extends Vehicle
final case class Truck(name: String) extends Vehicle

For the Union, variants can be declared using the variant function, which takes a PartialFunction from the unifying type to the implementation.

implicit def car: Type[IO, Car] = ???
implicit def boat: Type[IO, Boat] = ???
implicit def truck: Type[IO, Truck] = ???

union[IO, Vehicle]("Vehicle")
.variant[Car] { case c: Car => c }
.variant[Boat] { case b: Boat => b }
.variant[Truck] { case t: Truck => t }

A shorthand function exists, if the type of the variant is a subtype of the unifying type.

union[IO, Vehicle]("Vehicle")

For an Interface the same dsl exists, but is placed on the types that can implement the interface (a Type or another Interface).

implicit lazy val vehicle: Interface[IO, Vehicle] = interface[IO, Vehicle](
"name" -> abst[IO, String]

tpe[IO, Car]("Car", "name" -> lift(
.implements[Vehicle]{ case c: Car => c }

tpe[IO, Boat]("Boat", "name" -> lift(

trait OtherVehicle extends Vehicle {
def weight: Int

interface[IO, OtherVehicle](
"weight" -> abst[IO, Int],
// Since OtherVehicle is a subtype of Vehicle
// we can directly embed the Vehicle fields
vehicle.abstractFields: _*

Interface inheritance

It can be a bit cumbersome to implement an interface's fields every time it is extended. Interfaces accept any field type (abstract or concrete) as input. This is convinient since it allows a safe type of inheritance. When using the subtypeImpl function, all possible fields are added to the type.


gql's inheritance has some implications:

  • If you're working an a Type, only concrete fields can be inherited.
  • If you're working on an Interface, all fields, concrete and abstract can be inherited.

gql picks the best field when you inherit from an interface. For two fields with the same name, gql will always pick the concrete field. If both are concrete, it will prioritize the field from the subtype (the type you're working on).

trait Pet {
def name: String
def age: Int
def weight: Double

case class Dog(name: String, age: Int, weight: Double) extends Pet

implicit lazy val pet: Interface[IO, Pet] = interface[IO, Pet](
"name" -> lift(,
"age" -> lift(_.age),
"weight" -> lift(_.weight)

lazy val overwirttenName = lift[Dog](

implicit lazy val dog: Type[IO, Dog] = tpe[IO, Dog](
"bark" -> lift(_ => "woof!"),
"name" -> overwirttenName
).subtypeImpl[Pet]{ case (k, _) => k}.mkString_(", ")
// res13: String = "bark, name, age, weight"

// The Dog type has it's own implementation of the name field
dog.fields.exists{ case (_, v) => v == overwirttenName }
// res14: Boolean = true

To showcase the inheritance a bit further, consider the following invalid schema.

implicit lazy val pet: Interface[IO, Pet] = interface[IO, Pet](
"name" -> lift(,
"age" -> lift(_.age),
// Notice that weight is abstract
"weight" -> abst[IO, Double]

implicit lazy val dog: Type[IO, Dog] = tpe[IO, Dog](
"bark" -> lift(_ => "woof!")

// We are missing the weight field{ case (k, _) => k}.mkString_(", ")
// res15: String = "bark, name, age"

Schema validation will catch such errors.

Input types

Review the Input types section for more information.

Other output structures

Examples of other structures can be in the Output types section.

Covariant effects

Output types in gql are covariant in F, such that output types written in different effects seamlessly weave together. fs2 provides a type that we can reuse for pure effects defined as type Pure[A] <: Nothing.

With this trick, we can define gql types for trivial cases of our domain:

final case class Entity(
name: String,
age: Int

object Entity {
implicit lazy val gqlType: Type[fs2.Pure, Entity] = tpe[fs2.Pure, Entity](
"name" -> lift(,
"age" -> lift(_.age)

trait Example

tpe[IO, Example](
"entity" -> lift(_ => Entity("John Doe", 42))